Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday, Feb 21st Letter

Hello Family!

Things this week have gone pretty well. I still have not been to a Doctor or to the hospital but I am still sick im going on my 4th week of having diarrhea WOO-HOO!!

My companion says he is feeling a lot better but sometimes he will say that his stomach hurts, but we’re hanging in there...

It is very hard to get things done when I feel weak and not well for sure, I HATE IT!!! I want to be normal....

Yes my companion is from Tonga, HE IS SO COOL! He speaks English well because he was raised in Tonga but lived in the states. He is doing good with Spanish he write Spanish it’s just the speaking part he struggles on, but he is doing awesome. He says he likes Nicaragua. Well in his family he is an only child but his whole family are members. Its awesome he always tells me about the Tongan culture (usually cause im always asking) and what they do and Tonga it’s really cool. They are really close people especially like family relationships.

Ha-ha so Rulon´s is getting chubby huh that’s alright he’s a baby that’s good to hear that they are doing well though.

Well I have a super cool story to tell you guys about this week.
Well this week we had a baptism and her name is Myriam and we just barely met her last Wednesday. Well anyway the Saturday before last Saturday my ward secretary told us that he was gong to bring a friend to church. And when we met her we set up a visit for Wednesday to teach her.

Well Victor has known her for about 2 years because they have been studying together in medicine. But in her family her parents are divorced and her mom is a pastor of an evangelical church and her dad is a priest of a Catholic church. And she is just confused and doesn’t know what to do or where to go. So when we met up with her she wasn’t very positive but positive enough to meet up with us.

When we came and I asked her "what she wanted to learn from us" she just said "she wanted to know more". so then I was like "okay well what do you know??" so then she told us all that she knew. Ya she knew everything! So then I asked her "have you prayed and asked what you knew about the church if it is true". and she said "no". and I asked "why?" and she said "she didn’t have courage". so I asked her "what does she need to have courage?" and she said "she didn’t know". so I read in the scripture guide what courage is and it says "courage is not fear, not fearing to do what is correct." so I asked her do you know what "faith" is?? and she didn’t really know so we read Alma 32 and at the end she was like "wow" and so at this point I knew she felt the spirit so I was like "will you pray to know if this is true" and she said "yes" and I was like "Myriam will follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone who has the authority of God this Saturday" and she was like "yes" and I was like "wow".....its incredible how the spirit works.

Well that is about it, this computer I am using is horrible so that’s all im able to write today.

I love you All
Elder Buck

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