Hello Family!
Yeah I sure am experiencing some pretty crazy stuff huh? But don’t worry I’m trying to be the careful, cautious one of our Missionary group. I keep us all safe. Ha-ha just kidding.
It’s good to hear that everything is fine at home. But how good is fine? I know that is true about the whole “choice” thing, I wish people here would think before they make choices. Elder Hadfield (poor guy) had a baptism on Saturday at the church and someone stole 30$ and his camera?! Okay the 30$ I could let that go, but a camera with all my memories. THIEVES! Do you know what is the saddest part, they think that members stole it? I’m super careful with all my stuff and I’m thinking about putting a lock on my back pack and suitcase haha. So TALK ABOUT CHOICES!!
Okay so about the windows IM do not worry about sending a headset they have those here. But it cost you so much because you called me on Mother's Day. REMEMBER I STILL HAVE THAT PHONE CARD!! So for it to be able to work I will just call you guys and it won’t cost anything!
Okay so as far as my health it could be better because I got some kind of rash all over my body and it is so uncomfortable, I almost cried it’s so hard to sleep at night . I called Sister Fraatz and she said she would call me back, because they might fly me down to Managua. As of today she still hasn’t called me back with arrangements so I’m not sure what to do. I don’t want to go to a hospital here cause they are all super dirty and really dangerous to go to, so I don’t know what to do!!! But it sucks!!! I can’t work, can’t sleep, can’t walk!!
Hello family!
I have some news...That rash that I was talking about has gotten worse and it’s starting to bleed and it hurts really bad, so the mission is going to fly me back down to Managua so I can go to a dermatologist and get it checked out. I think it’s a fungus, just red and hurts like crazy. I will be flying down to Managua tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. but I won’t be able to come back to Puerto Cabezas so that’s sad :( its my last day here....I will probably get transferred somewhere else after I am treated.
I love you all and thank you for everything.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Hello Family!
So Grandma B. passed away…..I will miss her. I love you all and thank you always for your letters. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARLY!!!! I hope it was a good one.
Well it has been quite a week….ha-ha. Okay so for the Food distribution went well (sort of). When we arrived at the church there was already a bunch of people outside the gates trying to get in. We had two gates to guard, the exit and the entrance. We didn’t get any guards, security, or anything like that so the Elders became the security. When I first got there (around 8:30 a.m.), my job was to keep people from entering the exit gate while those who had received food were leaving. Yeah, I got yelled at a bunch while I was doing that job. Ha-ha
Then I saw the people carrying out their bag of food that they received and half of them were women or elderly people. I didn’t like the guarding the gate job I was doing so I started to help those people carrying out the bags. The bags were pretty heavy so I can see why it was hard for them, they weighed 50 lbs each, but it was pretty easy for me I’m “Nica” (a nicaraguense) now so I could do it with out to much strain. That was probably the thing I enjoyed that day, helping those who needed it. Outside the gates they were tired of waiting to get in and it was like 100-degree weather that day and once they were inside they just wanted their food so they were kind of impatient and pushy. But when they were leaving I was helping them and they were all happy and nice., so that was awesome I enjoyed helping people with that.
This is kind of how it was organized. First we have these huge iron gates all around the church to protect it from people or harm and at the entrance they would only let in a certain amount of people at a time who had tickets. Then before they entered they had to sign in, tell them their name, where they live and which branch they were in. Then they went through a door that leads to the Chapel where they waited for their turn. We had a T.V. hooked up with a church DVD running so they could watch and learn about the gospel. Then after that they entered the entrance hall and showed their ticket again, they were then given their bag of food with 20lb bags of sugar, beans, rice, and 15 lbs bag of flour. Then they exited out of the back of the church where they filled up jugs they brought with them, with 500ml of cooking oil. After that I would take their bags and help them out to the exit gate.
All was going well until we ran out of food and there were still a lot of people outside the entrance gates with tickets. Once they made sure all the members got their food first, they started to give it to everyone else, some people started getting rowdy outside so someone inside the church said, “Alright that’s it, there is no more food”. Since I was outside working the whole day till 5:30 p.m. when they stopped handing out food, I really thought we were out of food and I started telling people at the gate “sorry there is no more food”. Some of the people start calling me “gringo” and “mentiroso” (which means liar) so that was cool ;P
After I was yelled at and everyone outside the gate was mad at me, I actually went inside the church. That is when I found out something pathetic, there still was some food left inside and the three branch presidents were putting the extra food in the office. HUH SOME CHARITY?! So I was happy that day doing what I was doing to help until I found out what they were doing inside.
I think that was the most unorganized food distribution project ever! First they gave food to the members and I can understand giving to member families that need it, but they gave it to every member. Second they kept the remaining food just because the people outside were getting angry and rowdy and they didn’t want any problems. I can see why many were angry, some of them stood in the sun all day like me (I got so sunburned; I am almost crispy brown ha-ha).
There is not much I can do now, but at least some people that really needed food did get it.
Second part of my good news ha-ha. Nicaragua is now under a dictatorship. The president of Nicaragua changed the constitution so he is re-elected as many times as he wants. Wow, that’s going to bring war…huh… speaking about war… THERE WAS ONE HERE IN PUERTO CABEZAS!!!
The Miskito people of this area have a king and the king is tired of the way things are being run here as far as political and government stuff, so he decides to overthrow the government. Not only that but it was printed in a news paper saying he was going to do it on OCT 18th. His whole purpose is to have only people who are Miskito living here and throw out everyone else (including us) from Puerto Cabezas. On Sunday, we still had to go to church, but when we went to the guy who drives the bus to pick up the members to bring them to church he said he was told by his boss not to work that day because there was going to be a war. We all thought it was just a rumor and it wasn’t going to happen so we weren’t too worried… until the war broke out!
Sunday it wasn’t that bad, it was just a march and they were getting people riled-up and mad at the government. But on Monday things were calm in the morning but by afternoon we heard gun shots and yelling because the government building is about 3 blocks from our house. We called the Mission president to ask him if we should evacuate but all the transportations were shut down like airplane and bus so there is no way to get out of here.
That morning I was praying for our safety, but these Elders, I swear they don’t have a brain or something. They still wanted to leave the house to go write to our families at the computer cafĂ©, which was closed when we got there, because there was rioting and everything outside! There we are standing right in the middle of the unrest, me and the two other white boys so everyone around us starts yelling at us. I’m thinking we should get out of here quick but the two stooges want to buy something to eat!? In the mean time people are running around, screaming, throwing rocks and Elder A. is ordering his freaking food, “Yeah, I want three rolls with some soup”. I was saying, “Guys LETS GO”. I can see people turning onto our street with guns and machetes; they are running towards us with police following them. Of course the Elders don’t listen to me. Next thing, a member of the church rides up on his bike and he yells, “Elders you’ve got to get out of here!” So what does the second elder I’m with do … he turns his back and starts ordering his food instead.
Two seconds later the mob with guns, machetes, and all the police cars are coming down the street towards us, so I take off running back to the house and started locking everything up. They, the other Elders are clueless of what just happened and come in, sit down and start to eat. They are talking super loud and laughing and doing all this stupid stuff. I was like “Guys, shut up, shut up!” Standing right outside our wooden window is a man with a machete. These men with machetes are robbers that when there is a war or riot they start looting and take everything they can. The cops started coming down our street next and they are shooting of gas bombs and they shot one right outside our house so the tear-gas starts leaking in, it stings your eyes and throat like crazy, so we had all our fans going and towels over our faces so we don’t breathe it in. The Elders inside are still laughing and joking and being stupid. I thought I was dreaming, all I could think was, “Wow, how could I be with such immature people!!!” The little war/riots lasted three days and then it was over…
I’m almost out of writing time and I got to go! I’m safe, I’m fine now, no worries, but my health isn’t so great though.
But I love you ALL!!!
Elder Buck
So Grandma B. passed away…..I will miss her. I love you all and thank you always for your letters. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARLY!!!! I hope it was a good one.
Well it has been quite a week….ha-ha. Okay so for the Food distribution went well (sort of). When we arrived at the church there was already a bunch of people outside the gates trying to get in. We had two gates to guard, the exit and the entrance. We didn’t get any guards, security, or anything like that so the Elders became the security. When I first got there (around 8:30 a.m.), my job was to keep people from entering the exit gate while those who had received food were leaving. Yeah, I got yelled at a bunch while I was doing that job. Ha-ha
Then I saw the people carrying out their bag of food that they received and half of them were women or elderly people. I didn’t like the guarding the gate job I was doing so I started to help those people carrying out the bags. The bags were pretty heavy so I can see why it was hard for them, they weighed 50 lbs each, but it was pretty easy for me I’m “Nica” (a nicaraguense) now so I could do it with out to much strain. That was probably the thing I enjoyed that day, helping those who needed it. Outside the gates they were tired of waiting to get in and it was like 100-degree weather that day and once they were inside they just wanted their food so they were kind of impatient and pushy. But when they were leaving I was helping them and they were all happy and nice., so that was awesome I enjoyed helping people with that.
This is kind of how it was organized. First we have these huge iron gates all around the church to protect it from people or harm and at the entrance they would only let in a certain amount of people at a time who had tickets. Then before they entered they had to sign in, tell them their name, where they live and which branch they were in. Then they went through a door that leads to the Chapel where they waited for their turn. We had a T.V. hooked up with a church DVD running so they could watch and learn about the gospel. Then after that they entered the entrance hall and showed their ticket again, they were then given their bag of food with 20lb bags of sugar, beans, rice, and 15 lbs bag of flour. Then they exited out of the back of the church where they filled up jugs they brought with them, with 500ml of cooking oil. After that I would take their bags and help them out to the exit gate.
All was going well until we ran out of food and there were still a lot of people outside the entrance gates with tickets. Once they made sure all the members got their food first, they started to give it to everyone else, some people started getting rowdy outside so someone inside the church said, “Alright that’s it, there is no more food”. Since I was outside working the whole day till 5:30 p.m. when they stopped handing out food, I really thought we were out of food and I started telling people at the gate “sorry there is no more food”. Some of the people start calling me “gringo” and “mentiroso” (which means liar) so that was cool ;P
After I was yelled at and everyone outside the gate was mad at me, I actually went inside the church. That is when I found out something pathetic, there still was some food left inside and the three branch presidents were putting the extra food in the office. HUH SOME CHARITY?! So I was happy that day doing what I was doing to help until I found out what they were doing inside.
I think that was the most unorganized food distribution project ever! First they gave food to the members and I can understand giving to member families that need it, but they gave it to every member. Second they kept the remaining food just because the people outside were getting angry and rowdy and they didn’t want any problems. I can see why many were angry, some of them stood in the sun all day like me (I got so sunburned; I am almost crispy brown ha-ha).
There is not much I can do now, but at least some people that really needed food did get it.
Second part of my good news ha-ha. Nicaragua is now under a dictatorship. The president of Nicaragua changed the constitution so he is re-elected as many times as he wants. Wow, that’s going to bring war…huh… speaking about war… THERE WAS ONE HERE IN PUERTO CABEZAS!!!
The Miskito people of this area have a king and the king is tired of the way things are being run here as far as political and government stuff, so he decides to overthrow the government. Not only that but it was printed in a news paper saying he was going to do it on OCT 18th. His whole purpose is to have only people who are Miskito living here and throw out everyone else (including us) from Puerto Cabezas. On Sunday, we still had to go to church, but when we went to the guy who drives the bus to pick up the members to bring them to church he said he was told by his boss not to work that day because there was going to be a war. We all thought it was just a rumor and it wasn’t going to happen so we weren’t too worried… until the war broke out!
Sunday it wasn’t that bad, it was just a march and they were getting people riled-up and mad at the government. But on Monday things were calm in the morning but by afternoon we heard gun shots and yelling because the government building is about 3 blocks from our house. We called the Mission president to ask him if we should evacuate but all the transportations were shut down like airplane and bus so there is no way to get out of here.
That morning I was praying for our safety, but these Elders, I swear they don’t have a brain or something. They still wanted to leave the house to go write to our families at the computer cafĂ©, which was closed when we got there, because there was rioting and everything outside! There we are standing right in the middle of the unrest, me and the two other white boys so everyone around us starts yelling at us. I’m thinking we should get out of here quick but the two stooges want to buy something to eat!? In the mean time people are running around, screaming, throwing rocks and Elder A. is ordering his freaking food, “Yeah, I want three rolls with some soup”. I was saying, “Guys LETS GO”. I can see people turning onto our street with guns and machetes; they are running towards us with police following them. Of course the Elders don’t listen to me. Next thing, a member of the church rides up on his bike and he yells, “Elders you’ve got to get out of here!” So what does the second elder I’m with do … he turns his back and starts ordering his food instead.
Two seconds later the mob with guns, machetes, and all the police cars are coming down the street towards us, so I take off running back to the house and started locking everything up. They, the other Elders are clueless of what just happened and come in, sit down and start to eat. They are talking super loud and laughing and doing all this stupid stuff. I was like “Guys, shut up, shut up!” Standing right outside our wooden window is a man with a machete. These men with machetes are robbers that when there is a war or riot they start looting and take everything they can. The cops started coming down our street next and they are shooting of gas bombs and they shot one right outside our house so the tear-gas starts leaking in, it stings your eyes and throat like crazy, so we had all our fans going and towels over our faces so we don’t breathe it in. The Elders inside are still laughing and joking and being stupid. I thought I was dreaming, all I could think was, “Wow, how could I be with such immature people!!!” The little war/riots lasted three days and then it was over…
I’m almost out of writing time and I got to go! I’m safe, I’m fine now, no worries, but my health isn’t so great though.
But I love you ALL!!!
Elder Buck
Monday, October 12, 2009
Baptism and Free Food
Hello Family!!!
Wow, I have so much to tell you this week....How was my week? Um it was good...I didn´t get in a fight with Elder Carrasco I just kinda let it go so maybe he got away with my 25$ I don´t know. I'm just glad he´s gone now, that kid was a punk (and strangely enough many members miss him :P ... )
We have two new Elders and they are way cool. Elder Hadfield from Idaho replaced Elder Solorzano and Elder Tejada from Salvador replaced Elder Carrasco. They got here on Thursday (they took the bus from Managua all the way here) and it took them 28 hours (ughhh....I'm not looking forward to that bus ride :/ ) They were suppose to come on Wednesday but their bus broke down twice. So Thursday we were waiting at the bus stop from 9 in the morning to until 12 noon in freezing cold rain but the bus did not come so we went to eat lunch, then went back to our house and I slept. Then at 5 p.m. we went back and picked them up and brought them home. Like I said, they are WAY COOL!! Elder Hadfield has a guitar and he plays pretty good so the first night we were jamming out on guitars and that was fun. Elder Tejada is just a huge guy, usually people from Salvador are small but he is HUGE ha-ha and COOL!
Ariel and Delsia (the couple we have been teaching) were finally married and baptized along with Delsia's brother Wilbur who we have also been teaching. Well that's pretty much all the good news or all that was good this week.
I won't say I have bad news so I will call it other news. We are doing a charity thing here in Puerto. Friday a truck was suppose come and it's full of food and the charity is to give this food to the poor. Well that morning they told us to get as many men as we could to help unload the truck both members and non-members showed up. We were not to tell anyone what we were unloading cuz its all in boxes. Well the truck didn't come and all the male members and non members were waiting wondering what they are going to do. The secretary of the mission was there and he decides to discuss what were are doing and draws out a plan in front of everyone. He says “The charity is to only be give food to the poor non-members ha-ha. Then he says the members too.” ( I was like what??? Cuz he just contradicted what he just said.) It's originally for just the non-members but then he says, oh but the members can have some too. :/ So all the men that were there went home and told their friends and their friends told their friends so everyone knows now, THE MORMONS HAVE FREE FOOD. The leaders also say that Sunday their going to announce more about the food distribution and are going to hand out tickets at church to redeem for the free food. (wow that was dumb)
So Sunday comes and the first branch has the normal 90 people attending. In our branch there are 173 people at church! Half of them were people that have never been. The third branch has 324 people at church. You know why they came, CAUSE THERE IS FREE FOOD!!!! Only problem is there isn't enough food for all of Puerto Cabezas citizens, who all pretty much showed up for church that day. To pick up your free food, they have to get a ticket with a stamp on it, and on the day when they go to pick up the food they show this ticket and then receive the food. Problem is there are only 500 tickets and there were about 540 people that showed up at church. Like I said before, the charity food is for the poor families who aren't members. But the first thing they do in church is give the tickets to the members first. (that was stupid) They then started giving the tickets to all the non-members, well they were short tickets and their was a little riot with screaming, shouting, and almost a fight. Plus all of this is taking place during sacrament meeting.
I was sitting their thinking (wow, how stupid is this plan, this is not the way to distribute the food). First, we are in a 3rd world country, where a lot of people don't have work, or food, or decent clothes, and medical help. Second, anyone will eat anything here. Third, we are in a area that has a lot of different churches that are against the Mormon church. Contacts are so hard here to get because everyone thinks were anti-Christ. Fourth, ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC, WE HAVE FREE FOOD, COME ONE, COME ALL!!!! While I was at the church people kept asking me (the rich American) for tickets and asking me for money and saying “You're rich” and just to give them one peso.
When they distribute the food they aren't even going to put up security, Elder Tejada (huge Elder) and I are going to be at the front church gate because we are the two biggest people and we are suppose to let the people in when their name is called to claim their food. The area leaders told us to “have faith”. I know something I learned about faith is it needs works, because faith without works is dead. An example of works would be police as security. We can believe everything will turn out good but we also have to be prepared. It could be dangerous if someone showed up with a machete and a bad attitude. It could be serious. I just hope we at least hire police for protection cuz it could get pretty bad.
There is also a huge rumor going around that the King of the Miskito people (yeah they have a king) is going to try to usurp the Mayor here so if that's true that could be pretty bad....Well President Fraatz found out all about this so if it does turn out bad he will take us out of this area so, no worries. We are under the missions protection and the Lords.
Well I hope things turn out okay or work is going to get harder here cuz everyone's going hate us for not giving them food. We have 3 American Elders here now including me that everyone will asks for money now. My recent converts already ask me for money, we already paid for their marriage but they still asked me, “Where's my wedding gift”??? I was shocked... WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT I'M PAYING FOR YOUR WEDDING ALREADY!!! I'm kinda of stressed with all this crap that's going on but today is P-day and I will try to relax and enjoy myself.
To everyone who wrote a letter to me this week, I appreciate you and your letters to me, please accept this letter in return because I cannot write back to all of you. I love you all! Don't worry, I'm safe, healthy, and happy.
Elder Buck
Wow, I have so much to tell you this week....How was my week? Um it was good...I didn´t get in a fight with Elder Carrasco I just kinda let it go so maybe he got away with my 25$ I don´t know. I'm just glad he´s gone now, that kid was a punk (and strangely enough many members miss him :P ... )
We have two new Elders and they are way cool. Elder Hadfield from Idaho replaced Elder Solorzano and Elder Tejada from Salvador replaced Elder Carrasco. They got here on Thursday (they took the bus from Managua all the way here) and it took them 28 hours (ughhh....I'm not looking forward to that bus ride :/ ) They were suppose to come on Wednesday but their bus broke down twice. So Thursday we were waiting at the bus stop from 9 in the morning to until 12 noon in freezing cold rain but the bus did not come so we went to eat lunch, then went back to our house and I slept. Then at 5 p.m. we went back and picked them up and brought them home. Like I said, they are WAY COOL!! Elder Hadfield has a guitar and he plays pretty good so the first night we were jamming out on guitars and that was fun. Elder Tejada is just a huge guy, usually people from Salvador are small but he is HUGE ha-ha and COOL!
Ariel and Delsia (the couple we have been teaching) were finally married and baptized along with Delsia's brother Wilbur who we have also been teaching. Well that's pretty much all the good news or all that was good this week.
I won't say I have bad news so I will call it other news. We are doing a charity thing here in Puerto. Friday a truck was suppose come and it's full of food and the charity is to give this food to the poor. Well that morning they told us to get as many men as we could to help unload the truck both members and non-members showed up. We were not to tell anyone what we were unloading cuz its all in boxes. Well the truck didn't come and all the male members and non members were waiting wondering what they are going to do. The secretary of the mission was there and he decides to discuss what were are doing and draws out a plan in front of everyone. He says “The charity is to only be give food to the poor non-members ha-ha. Then he says the members too.” ( I was like what??? Cuz he just contradicted what he just said.) It's originally for just the non-members but then he says, oh but the members can have some too. :/ So all the men that were there went home and told their friends and their friends told their friends so everyone knows now, THE MORMONS HAVE FREE FOOD. The leaders also say that Sunday their going to announce more about the food distribution and are going to hand out tickets at church to redeem for the free food. (wow that was dumb)
So Sunday comes and the first branch has the normal 90 people attending. In our branch there are 173 people at church! Half of them were people that have never been. The third branch has 324 people at church. You know why they came, CAUSE THERE IS FREE FOOD!!!! Only problem is there isn't enough food for all of Puerto Cabezas citizens, who all pretty much showed up for church that day. To pick up your free food, they have to get a ticket with a stamp on it, and on the day when they go to pick up the food they show this ticket and then receive the food. Problem is there are only 500 tickets and there were about 540 people that showed up at church. Like I said before, the charity food is for the poor families who aren't members. But the first thing they do in church is give the tickets to the members first. (that was stupid) They then started giving the tickets to all the non-members, well they were short tickets and their was a little riot with screaming, shouting, and almost a fight. Plus all of this is taking place during sacrament meeting.
I was sitting their thinking (wow, how stupid is this plan, this is not the way to distribute the food). First, we are in a 3rd world country, where a lot of people don't have work, or food, or decent clothes, and medical help. Second, anyone will eat anything here. Third, we are in a area that has a lot of different churches that are against the Mormon church. Contacts are so hard here to get because everyone thinks were anti-Christ. Fourth, ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC, WE HAVE FREE FOOD, COME ONE, COME ALL!!!! While I was at the church people kept asking me (the rich American) for tickets and asking me for money and saying “You're rich” and just to give them one peso.
When they distribute the food they aren't even going to put up security, Elder Tejada (huge Elder) and I are going to be at the front church gate because we are the two biggest people and we are suppose to let the people in when their name is called to claim their food. The area leaders told us to “have faith”. I know something I learned about faith is it needs works, because faith without works is dead. An example of works would be police as security. We can believe everything will turn out good but we also have to be prepared. It could be dangerous if someone showed up with a machete and a bad attitude. It could be serious. I just hope we at least hire police for protection cuz it could get pretty bad.
There is also a huge rumor going around that the King of the Miskito people (yeah they have a king) is going to try to usurp the Mayor here so if that's true that could be pretty bad....Well President Fraatz found out all about this so if it does turn out bad he will take us out of this area so, no worries. We are under the missions protection and the Lords.
Well I hope things turn out okay or work is going to get harder here cuz everyone's going hate us for not giving them food. We have 3 American Elders here now including me that everyone will asks for money now. My recent converts already ask me for money, we already paid for their marriage but they still asked me, “Where's my wedding gift”??? I was shocked... WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT I'M PAYING FOR YOUR WEDDING ALREADY!!! I'm kinda of stressed with all this crap that's going on but today is P-day and I will try to relax and enjoy myself.
To everyone who wrote a letter to me this week, I appreciate you and your letters to me, please accept this letter in return because I cannot write back to all of you. I love you all! Don't worry, I'm safe, healthy, and happy.
Elder Buck
Monday, October 5, 2009
To Fight or Not To Fight?
Watching Conference in Spanish


Elder Buck and Elder Augustin
Chillin' by the Carribean Sea




FLIP, ITS MOMS BIRTHDAY TODAY?!?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM XOXOXOXOXO Oh my gosh, I’m sorry I am horrible at Birthday dates the only one I can remember well is Carly’s and Dads, so sorry about that but I love you all just the same ha-ha.
That’s awesome I am glad all of you enjoyed General Conference I really liked it too. Which talk was your favorite?? Mine would have to be Jeffrey R. Holland about the Book of Mormon. That was pretty intense and I was listening to it in Spanish so I didn’t get to hear him yell, ha-ha, it looked like he was yelling on the screen. He yelled at us when we were listening to him in the MTC. He also reminds me a lot of Dad (WHICH IS A GOOD THING) and of course I love to hear from all the General Authorities especially the Prophet! Well I tried my best to stay awake during all the talks but like usual I fell asleep (it must be genetic or something.) But what I heard was really awesome, I got a picture of me and Elder Augustin sitting and watching it.
So only Tanner and Emily came up for Mom’s B-day?? Does that mean that the family still has problems?? That’s great. Oh yeah I forgot its Emily’s Birthday too HAPPY BIRTHDAY. That’s good that you had a nice weekend and weather.
Oh wow, sorry to hear about Grandma....I will fast for her too. Yeah she needs to go, its sad but the happy thing is, we will all see each other again. Wow so you guys are going to go up there, but that’s awesome that they asked Dad to give her the blessing.
I am doing well. That rash thing did get worse and I found out what it’s from ha-ha. It was from my AXE spray deodorant ha-ha. But things are good my health is good I haven’t got sick this week. I found out it my fever and headache was Malaria that I had the other week; thank goodness I took those shots though before leaving here to Nicaragua. I’m trying to take care of myself the best I can. Were back to drinking dirty water again (because were out of purified) but I haven’t drank it because I don’t want flipping tape worms ha-ha. So I will boil my water, (or when I have it put chlorine in it and let it sit) or I have my trusty water bottle with the filter.
Okay thank you for the other package you are going to send, I also need a new battery to my camera, its a lithium ion 3.7V, and also that other SD I sent home before leaving the MTC. Off Bug Spray (its so expensive here), as far as clothes I’m fine, we just wait forever for the lady to wash our clothes so we usually have to wear the same clothes two days in a row which is gross. (But I will live.) BUT I NEED THAT BOOK BELIEVING CHRIST PLEAAAAASE!!!! And that will be it. THANKYOU!!
A member named, Michael, came back from a mini mission he was on. He is really cool he is my new friend! He is the first missionary of Puerto Cabezas (where I am now living) he will be leaving in December. I got a picture of the two of us, he’s the dark one ha-ha. This week has gone by so fast and we still haven’t got Ariel and Delsia married, their kind of procrastinating.
Okay this I’m really sorry about.....We take our money out of the bank that we need for the month which is 2,600 Cordoba’s = $128 dollars. After we went to the bank, we went to the super market to buy some stuff and when we got home I had all my money on my bed and I was recording in my finance book how much I spent for everything and I was missing the receipt from the super market. I went into the kitchen to look through the grocery bags and mean while Elder Carrasco (the one who is always threatening me) is in my room (cuz everyone has to go through our room to get to the bathroom) When I go back into our room with the receipt he was leaving and as he walks by he smiles and says “freaking Gringo” which he usually does. Then I start counting my money and I was short 500 Cordoba’s = 25$?!! And so I was looking everyone to see if I dropped or something and so I came to the conclusion that Elder Carrasco may have stolen it. But I knew if I asked him if he took it he wouldn’t tell me so I waited...I let everyone know that I was missing the money and he was the one that was asking me the most questions about what I did with it. I was mad at him thinking he took my money.
Then after general conference we were outside of the church waiting and he (Elder Carrasco) starts making fun of Michael (making monkey noises and calling him mono which means monkey, he is kind of racist against anyone not from his country!!) I told him to stop, and he continued...so I told him again to stop and he told me to shut up, so I went up to him and told him to his face to stop making fun of Michael and he told me to shut up freaking gringo and continued. So I turned my back and blocked his view from Michael and he pushed me from the back, I turned back around, he was on his bike so I pushed him and knocked him off his bike into a puddle of mud. And he got up starts yelling and was going to tackle me but everyone that was watching held him back.
That was that....but today I was alone with Elder Augustin at the house and I told “DUDE I DONT EVEN CARE, I’M GOING THROUGH CARRASCO´S STUFF AND GETTING BACK MY 25 $!?!?” Well I didn’t find my money, but I did have a guilty feeling for going through his stuff, I tried to tell him today after lunch but he told me to shut up and walked away so I haven’t talked to him yet. I will tonight and he is just a straight up punk kid so he will probably start a fight. So if the Mission President calls you I’m sorry, but I will do all that I can to prevent us from fighting but if he punches me first I’m going to punch him back CAUSE HE DESERVES IT!!!! But really I will do everything I can to prevent a fight. He leaves tomorrow to Managua, he’s getting transferred so once he leaves their will not be any more problems.
I love you all and thank you for everything but really how is everything as far as business and money at home? I feel terrible for losing 25$ but I would even feel more terrible if I got in a fight with a missionary so I won’t.
Elder Buck
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